Friday, March 30, 2007


I came across the Google Docs and Spreadsheet site.
So here is my attempt to create a document and Publish it into my blog.
Now even if it works how does it help me ?
I still need to log on and access the web even as I type my post.

This part is after I published from Google Docs.
The post did appear but i had to put in the Title.
I think I'll use the option of e-mailing posts to be published

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Counter Crazy

I added a counter.
I did that just because I wanted to find out if I could.
Now that its done I see that it works.
It counts up every time I visit my own page.

Now how would I know if it would really count up if someone else visited my page.
Maybe there are loads of visitors to my page but the counter just doesn't count them.
Like the small boy who rings the doorbell and runs away before the door opens. I know someone rang the bell but I don't see anyone when I open the door.
Like the light inside the fridge. How do I know that it goes off every time i close the door ?

Friday, March 16, 2007


Does there have to be a reason for everything ?

Why did I recreate this blog and begin posting ?
Hmm! maybe sometimes it is just that bit convenient to have an explanation.
The last time I started writing I found myself getting caught up with various topics around the blogs .
Honestly what I wanted to do was just create a blog and experiment with what I could do with it.
I soon got caught up with thinking up posts, trying to be very creative and generally keept thinking about the blog all the time.
I didn't like that feeling and it took a lot of my (thinking) time. Almost everything that happened would go down as 'that's a great topic for a post'.

So this time I hope to kind of create a balance between experimenting on features and writing something.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Back with the living

Right, I now have atleast my space back.

I deleted my blog entirely. To me this was similiar to crushing the paper on which I wrote my first notes and flinging it into the dustbin.

Unfortunately after having deleted it, 'The Blogger' decided to punish me by forcing me into a state of limbo. I couldn't recreate the blog since it said that the name already existed.
If it existed I couldn't delete it again since it didn't show up in the 'Dashboard'.
However it allowed me the comfort of commenting (though without a blog). Much like a soul without a body.
When I tried to click on my own link (from my comments on other blogs) I was lead to a site which looked like it was trying to sell some kind of biological products and also featured the photo of a good looking and very proportionate woman.

Well after wandering around like this for some time it was to my delight that this week I found that I had been released from the shackles of 'limbo' possibly by the handiwork of some code artist.

For the sake of all those links which i had created in my last version I am glad to have my space back