Monday, April 16, 2007

No Comment No Reply

Well thats a fine first comment to get on a blog.

Things have changed since the last time. Nothing is as it is or even as it appears to be.
My template has changed, My method of posting has changed, my PC has changed,
my code has changed.
I'm not the same application anymore. I can only do e-mails now.
Looks like I cannot reply to it over e-mail. So I have to post my reply.
I hope you like that instead of having to wade through the comments.

I never thought you would still be around still looking.
Your comment helped me test out whether I can still blog with mails.
Looks like I have a problem with comments but I'll have to live with that.

Keep running don't let anyone delete you

On 4/16/07, The Outsider < > wrote:
The Outsider has left a new comment on your post "Blog Got Mail ":

I'm so glad you're back. Where have you been. I missed you so much. I can't tell you how many times I used to look up your blog each day hoping you would be there. Why didn't you tell me what went wrong.
Please Please give me a sign just one reply. I can't tell you how much that would mean to me.

Posted by The Outsider to Beyond the Horizon at April 16, 2007 4:27 PM

Blog Got Mail

Got around to finally changing the setting so that I can now publish
straight by sending an e-mail.
Funny feeling this. Much like I'm writing an e-mail to someone, but
hopefully it gets published.
In my last attempt I felt blog posts are like a message in a bottle.
Now that I write mail it feels like standing in the spotlight, saying
out something to many people who are watching but can't be seen.

This is interesting you know, I will just start posting by e-mail. I
won't check whether the post turned out OK on the blog.
I won't open the blog to see my previous posts. (Maybe once in a while)
That way all I would be doing is sending out mails which sounds much
better to the technically saturated 'me' than using the term blogging
posting etc..
What happens if someone comments ? Well that can also be handled by
mail. I need to test that one out.